Our Vision & Mission

  • About
  • Our Vision & Mission


We, as a nurturing organization, seek a society where children grow into happy, healthy, educated, and responsible citizens


We promote holistic development of vulnerable children to Enrich their Childhood and Shape their Futures

TMCP supports the rights of the child

The Objectives of the Tara Mobile Creches, Pune revolve around ensuring that every child enjoys his/her basic rights to good nutrition, health care, protection, education, and shelter, as laid down in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959.



We commit to being transparent, accountable and trustworthy with utmost respect to people and processes.


We aim to provide equitable space and opportunities by unequivocally accepting and celebrating diversity


We partner with all our stakeholders to promote the Rights of Children


We aim to be sensitive, creative, innovative and resourceful to sustain our journey.

TMCP supports the rights of the child

The right to grow up and to develop physically and spiritually in a healthy and normal way, free and with dignity.

The right to a name and nationality.

The right to special care and protection and to good food, housing and medical services.

The right to special care if handicapped in any way.

The right to love and understanding, preferably from parents and family.

The right to go to school for free, to play, and to have an equal chance so as to develop to be responsible and useful.

The right always to be among the first to get help.

The right to be protected against cruel acts or exploitation.

The right to be taught peace, understanding, tolerance and friendship among all people.